.... Is ALMOST there!!
{our antique pulls}
I want to show you more pics but my computer is still being evil and only allowing me to put upside down and sideways pictures on the blog!!! (ahhhhhhrrrg)
But here's one sideways one to give you an idea of how they look:
{Drawer pulls make life so much easier}
I was planning on gluing pretty old nailheads on top of the screws but now that the pulls are in, I'm not really feeling like I need to do anything to make them look better... but what do you think?
We're a bit short of wood so need to wait for more before doing the sides and I'm so excited!! It's such a big piece in the room and so when it's finished, I really think it's going to make our home feel so much more "done."
Would love to know your thoughts on the screws!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
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