If you are on Instagram or follow along with my instant pics on the sidebar of the blog, you may have noticed that yesterday was an especially rewarding day: We finished another project installation. This project was different from most of our projects in that it was implemented over time. We created a full design plan for our clients a year or so ago (I think??) and as the project entailed a lot of time & expense, our clients decided to implement the project in phases. What I love about this approach was that my clients didn't sacrifice anything. They got everything they wanted exactly as they wanted it because they were really patient & willing to wait. They began with the paint, the built-ins, and then moved onto lighting, curtains and rugs. The final installation (of furnishings!!) happened yesterday and I'm so excited to share it with you. Here's what the living and dining space looked like before:
My clients decided they didn't need the additional dining area (we've got a breakfast nook in the kitchen) and so we turned it into an additional seating area with a 4- chair arrangement for playing games, reading and chatting. Here's what the room looks like now:
Yesterday, I styled the bookshelves with all of our clients' own things and got the room feeling nice and lived in...
The childrens' books are mixed in with their parents' books and their is tons of storage for games & crafts hidden throughout the built-ins.
I connected the spaces with two overscale lanterns which you might recognize from my previous post. (The Morris Lantern from Visual Comfort ;) ;)
Because there's a small nook for the sofa in the TV-watching end of the room and not much room in it for end tables, we went with pivoting wall sconces on either side of the sofa. I was excited about showing off their pretty silhouettes against the hand-block-printed Le Gracieux curtains:
{I snapped this pic as we were hanging art}
My clients wanted a really warm, cozy and energetic-feeling home. They are some of the nicest people I've ever met and I really feel like their home matching them in warmth. My client herself looks especially beautiful in the house becomes it complements her hair and skin tones so well.
Here's a close-up that shows the coffee table, which I love:
{The pillow is in my "Filigree Chevron" in Autumn}
Here's a "before" picture of the fireplace wall, which faces the TV:
...And here is is now:
{The oranges & yellows & pear greens were pulled straight from the rug}
My clients have the "go ahead" to collect more green pottery on their travels so we can fill up these shelves!! ;) ;)
We're putting a fiddle leaf fig in the right nook that will look like this:
This photo shows you how the TV fits:
The 4 chairs are all on swivels so if they want to, they can swivel around and become a part of the TV-watching area or enjoy the fire...
I'm off for the day and hope you enjoyed!! I also had to share this Instagram pic of me with Dave on the way home... There's nothing more fulfilling than getting to work with this guy every day:

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
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