Monday, 9 January 2012

SOS- artwork help!

A client of mine recently moved into a condo that was converted from an old Church, St.Monica's.  It's pretty amazing & the architects did a beautiful job of incorporating details from the original church into the house.  Her kitchen island is the original altar & the place has sort of a modern-Gothic feeling.  (Don't worry, the altar was deconsecrated first!)   My client fell in love with the house & its history and she was thinking that it would be special to have a prayer to St.Monica hanging somewhere.  We need an oversized piece to float above some low shelves in her study/ dining room so we were thinking it could be the perfect spot for the prayer. 

{something like this piece above...  Room by Muse Interiors}

I was thinking even that if it could be hand printed/ painted in a sort of edgy printing it might look cool too.  Here's what's going on in the house furniture-wise:

{The page to the left is for the study/ dining room and the others are the living room.}

So.. my S.O.S to you is-  do you know anyone who does this sort of thing?  (Can make an overscale handwritten piece of either wood or canvas?)  I know so many of you know great artists on Etsy or some of you are even artists yourselves, so if anyone has any course, I'd love the help.

Thank you!!

Anyway, hope you had a great weekend!!

**UPDATE*** Thank you so much for all of the emails & comments with info on artists!   We've gotten over 50 leads so far & we will be reviewing and passing on the information to our client who will be making the final decision.  I'm blown away by all of the help & all of the talented people out there.   I can't thank you enough!!  (And I have NO idea how we are going to make this decision with all the beautiful choices out there now!!)

xoxo, Lauren

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.

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