Monday, 23 January 2012

Extra Extra- Thanks!!

January is always a little crazy in this business.  (Ok, let's be honest, what months aren't in anyone's life??)  But anyway, we've been busy shooting projects, working on new ones, and thinking about & planning for the the Springtime which brings on design showhouses to visit, more projects and.. a baby!!! (due in May:)

{Yes, I know how scary this 3D pic of our Baby Liess looks...  All of that tissue looks like hair!!  My 4 year-old looked at it and said, "Oh... it's a girl because she has all that hair!"}  Ah vell. 

We've also had some really nice mentions & magazine features lately.

Thanks so much to Victoria Magazine for including me in their Special Entrepreneur Issue!!

The article I was featured in focuses on women who have created businesses out of their passions.  (I'm honored to be included among them.)  I'm feel so lucky to be working in a field I love so much, but owning your own business puts you not only in your field of work, but also into the "entrepreneur" category.  It's a hat you sort of put on without realizing, and it was really interesting to look back for this article & talk about how I got my start & the business going. 

Before the article, I was unfamiliar with Victoria Magazine, but I was BLOWN AWAY by some of the homes featured in this month's issue.  (and flowers!!)  Serious eye candy & I'm hooked.

I was also thrilled to be included in Washingtonian Magazine's new blog column of before & afters by DC area designers.  (click on the link aboce to view it.)  I can't wait to check out the next ones!

And thank you so much to Cassandra Lavalle for including a snippet of my bedroom in this month's issue of Rue Magazine!!  It's a great little page that shows unique ways to store your magazines.

{I keep my current ones in this massive old bowl}

So be sure to check out Rue --- I am in love with a photo collage one of the rooms in there this month!

And finally...  we've been working on our back office some more.  Our desks & chairs came in- yay!!

{Don't you love my Christian Patrick Liess originals hanging on the wall  above my computer?? - left}

We're doing inspiration boards along the entire wall above our desks & my assistant, Meghan, has been gathering hers up for a while now.  The other walls are full of shelving which is making life soooo much easier. 

Anyway, I'm off for the day but have a great one!!

xoxo, Lauren

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.

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