Happy Easter.
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Friday, 29 March 2013
Client's Kitchen: Sneakity Peek
I wanted to share a little sneakity peek of a kitchen project we're working on. My client moved into the house with the kitchen as you see it here... She was SO ready to get rid of the pink formica countertops and green wallpaper... I wrote about this project and its inspiration a little while back here.
The cabinets& counters are in and the blue bead board has been installed. I snapped this pic on my phone this week as we were bringing in the furnishings for the house. (Hence, the plastic-wrapped chairs ;) The pendants for above the island came in wrong so we're waiting for them to arrive along with the barstools and a few more details. I have to be honest, that this week's installation was THE nuttiest we've ever had. It entailed me running down the street to pick up trash and not realizing I'd run back up to the wrong house... As I struggled to get the locked front door open, a car drive up in the driveway to see me trying to get into their house. hahah SO not good. :/ I tried to explain but probably just scared her instead.
Anyway, I'll keep you posted and be sure to share final pics!! Have a great weekend and a happy Easter!!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
And here's how it's looking now:
The cabinets& counters are in and the blue bead board has been installed. I snapped this pic on my phone this week as we were bringing in the furnishings for the house. (Hence, the plastic-wrapped chairs ;) The pendants for above the island came in wrong so we're waiting for them to arrive along with the barstools and a few more details. I have to be honest, that this week's installation was THE nuttiest we've ever had. It entailed me running down the street to pick up trash and not realizing I'd run back up to the wrong house... As I struggled to get the locked front door open, a car drive up in the driveway to see me trying to get into their house. hahah SO not good. :/ I tried to explain but probably just scared her instead.
Anyway, I'll keep you posted and be sure to share final pics!! Have a great weekend and a happy Easter!!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Quick Gift
In need of a quick hostess gift, Easter happy or just something to help organize? Check out these sets of chalkboard planters at my room (#15) in Interiors & Antiques. Great for everything from art supplies, cutlery for a backyard picnic, colorful Easter eggs....to well...plants!
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
I need your help!
Ok., so here's my post on chickens and before I start, I want ask for your help!! Hear me out before you say no and feel free to laugh but we want to get CHICKENS!!! It's illegal to have them in Fairfax County unless you have two acres (and then you're allowed 64!!) (We have 1 acre) Anyway, we have a major tick problem in our yard (they have embedded their nasty selves in even the baby!!) so we've spoken with an expert because we don't want insecticides sprayed on our property and he suggested chickens. After my initial reaction of no WAY no HOW, (that's not the way I actually speak but it's way more typable thatn what I rpobably said .) I did some research (they will get rid of all of our ticks and mosquitoes and are actually great friendly pets!!) and spoke to some friends with them and am convinced that we need our new pet chickens!! (these are hens we want, not roosters so no noise issues for neighbors) .. So if you're still reading... PLEASE help!! It's up for review in Fairfax County TONIGHT so the law could be changed with your help!! I had NO IDEA how good for you pet chickens were until I did the research... They're not at all what you might think. We are SO BEHIND other areas!! So please, laugh and then sign this PETITION FO CHICKENS!!!
As I was googling different chicken coops, I came across some really special ones & wanted to share with you...
Loooove this one:
{Gorgeous chicken coop built by Karen at The Art of Doing Stuff - whose blog I just discovered today. She seems like so much fun & definitely brilliant. I want to be friends!!}
I dream of one day calling my "Girls!!!" to come running to me!! hahaha
This Youtube video is hysterical.
To be honest, once the County makes a decision and rules one way or the other, we'll make our chicken decision then. But either way, I believe in the right to be able to own these pets. (Fresh eggs?!! mm) Dave is even more into getting the chickens than I am. (He did the research on the insecticides and wasn't happy with what he found. Definitely carcinogens. not good. And with all of the deer we have, Lyme Disease is a serious concern.) My biggest worry with the hens would be the "mess" ;)
The image above & the next couple of images are from Southern Living. Sooo beautiful...
I love all of the gravel paths...
I love the modern look of this one...
{Modern chicken coop from Stephmodo-- omgosh she's amazing!!! The coop belongs to her sister}
I'm not sure what type of coop we'd end up with. We were only thinking of getting around 4 "sisters" for our dog, Ashby, so we would probably have a fairly small coop. I visited my friend Brooke Giannetti and loved her cute little white hens..
{ Brooke's (of Velvet & LInen) coop at their previous house... Dying to see what their new coop will look like!!}
Brooke stressed the importance of getting a friendly breed of chicken. Safety with my kids is first. (Doesn't make sense to bring in crazy chickens that could hurt them if the whole point was protecting them from harmful ticks. We've been doing a little breed research but got stopped when we found out that our lots size was too small for hens.)
I love this gorgeous coop built by Heather Bullard:
She sells the plans to build this coop online. I love the little fenced in area.. So pretty & we might have to do something like that to protect our garden from the chickies...
And finally, my friend Seleta recently adopted a little chicken named Lucky:
I've loved following her on Instagram and watching Lucky grow.
Anyway, if you're still reading and don't think I'm AWOL, and are in Fairfax Country, will you please consider signing here??
love ya

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
So I accidentally...
...Posted a half-written post!! Sorry about that to everyone who received it in an email & was totally confused. It's been one of those mornings. I must have hit "publish" instead of "save" when I left for my meeting. ;) ;)
Anyway, my post was about chickens & it will go up when I actually write it! We're thinking about getting some. Our main impetus for thinking chickens was the tick problem we have at our new house. They were CRAZY this past Fall and were all over us & our kids. (The poor baby had one embedded in his ear and it took 20 mins of screaming & crying for me to get the thing's head out of his ear.) After speaking with an expert, we learned that chickens are amazing with pest control. (We're not too excited about using insecticides on our property where we are planning a veggie garden and drink well water.)
BUT-- Sadly. right now in Fairfax Country, where I live, the law states that you can only own chickens if you have 2+ acres. (You can have 64 chickens on 2 acres... crazy) But you can't have any chickens if you have less than 2 acres. There's a group of us who are working to have the law changed so that home owners can have pet HENS (not roosters) on their property if they have less than 2 acres. (And not a crazy number like 64!!;) We have an acre, btw. So... tonight, there is a meeting at the Fairfax Government Center to meet and plead the chicken case. We're collecting signatures for a petition and today's the day, so pretty pretty PLEASE sign this if you're in Fairfax County!!
Thank you so much!!
Pretty pics and an actual post to follow!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
{adorable baby chicky photograph by Julie Persons}
Anyway, my post was about chickens & it will go up when I actually write it! We're thinking about getting some. Our main impetus for thinking chickens was the tick problem we have at our new house. They were CRAZY this past Fall and were all over us & our kids. (The poor baby had one embedded in his ear and it took 20 mins of screaming & crying for me to get the thing's head out of his ear.) After speaking with an expert, we learned that chickens are amazing with pest control. (We're not too excited about using insecticides on our property where we are planning a veggie garden and drink well water.)
BUT-- Sadly. right now in Fairfax Country, where I live, the law states that you can only own chickens if you have 2+ acres. (You can have 64 chickens on 2 acres... crazy) But you can't have any chickens if you have less than 2 acres. There's a group of us who are working to have the law changed so that home owners can have pet HENS (not roosters) on their property if they have less than 2 acres. (And not a crazy number like 64!!;) We have an acre, btw. So... tonight, there is a meeting at the Fairfax Government Center to meet and plead the chicken case. We're collecting signatures for a petition and today's the day, so pretty pretty PLEASE sign this if you're in Fairfax County!!
Thank you so much!!
Pretty pics and an actual post to follow!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
My Happy Place
"My life kind of goes in a big circle sometimes. Like I find myself
sometimes really going back to where I started and just remembering
that that is a really happy place for me." -Rachel Zoe
This quote was taken from her show a few weeks ago. She is talking about styling, her first and true love in the midst of everything else she has going on. Something about it really resonated with me. Running a business involves so much. So much work, uncertainty, change, nitty gritty details and tasks that sometimes you forget how much you love it. For me the reset button, the happy place, is on installation days. Seeing what has been living in your head- worked and reworked- physically coming to fruition for all to see. Yesterday was one of those days.
It might take me a while before I can fully share here but I promise it is coming.
Image from my Instagram
Monday, 25 March 2013
Pear Spinach Salad
Like I've mentioned before, eating is one of my absolute favorite things to do. I feel a lot better about it when I'm eating fairly healthy and I love making easy things at home with my family. I threw together a salad last week that I'm still thinking about, so I thought I'd share it with you:
I start out with the empty salad bowl & mixed in my family's oil & vinegar recipe for the dressing (Plain Olive Oil -Filippo Berio- and balsamic vinegar... More olive oil than vinegar. Slice up onions (I used red this time) thinly & let sit in the dressing for a bit with a little salt & pepper.)
Once the onions had time to soak in the dressing (5 mins or so) I tossed in:
~Baby Spinach Leaves (& a few leftover Boston Bibb leaves)
~Crushed Walnuts
~A Cut up Pear
~ Feta Cheese
~More Salt & Pepper
It was Heaven and so easy.
Now that the baby's a bit older, we're able to be a bit more organized about our meals again, which makes me so happy. We've been making tentative weekly menus before grocery shopping & have been putting together some yummy meals. There aren't many things I love more than making food at our big island and feeding my family. (including feeding myself-- I'm no martyr ;) ;)
If I can get a tad more organized, I'll try to start sharing some of the recipes! Have a great week!!
To check out some other easy recipes I've mentioned on the blog in the past, click here (or under categories at the top, Click "Food")
ps- Thank you so much for all of the encouragement about the last project I shared!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
I start out with the empty salad bowl & mixed in my family's oil & vinegar recipe for the dressing (Plain Olive Oil -Filippo Berio- and balsamic vinegar... More olive oil than vinegar. Slice up onions (I used red this time) thinly & let sit in the dressing for a bit with a little salt & pepper.)
Once the onions had time to soak in the dressing (5 mins or so) I tossed in:
~Baby Spinach Leaves (& a few leftover Boston Bibb leaves)
~Crushed Walnuts
~A Cut up Pear
~ Feta Cheese
~More Salt & Pepper
It was Heaven and so easy.
Now that the baby's a bit older, we're able to be a bit more organized about our meals again, which makes me so happy. We've been making tentative weekly menus before grocery shopping & have been putting together some yummy meals. There aren't many things I love more than making food at our big island and feeding my family. (including feeding myself-- I'm no martyr ;) ;)
If I can get a tad more organized, I'll try to start sharing some of the recipes! Have a great week!!
To check out some other easy recipes I've mentioned on the blog in the past, click here (or under categories at the top, Click "Food")
ps- Thank you so much for all of the encouragement about the last project I shared!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
Welcome Back
I know a lot of you out there are returning to the real world today after Spring Break. Welcome back! While we did not go anywhere, we did have a wonderful week enjoying a quiet city. There is something to be said for staying put during Spring Break week, the peace and quiet is nice. Including an almost empty Target where we prepped for warmer weather that surely ahead. Right?
(Henry's new favorite things- sunglasses and saying "cheeeeese")
Of course a mini staycation could not be complete without a trip to the zoo. Henry, who loves all things planes, trains and automobiles TRUCKS!, took his first train ride. Needless to say it won't be his last.
I hope this week treats you well, vacation or not!
Sunday, 24 March 2013
Friday, 22 March 2013
My Clients' Family Room Before & After
I'm so excited to share some of my professionally photographed work with you today!! There is such a difference between photos I've taken myself to photos that have been shot by a talented professional. (I love my photographer, Helen Norman!!!) The past year has been crazy for me with the birth of my third son, moving and a busy life in general so I've been really behind on having my finished projects photographed. As you can see from the "before" photo below, I first met with my clients over a year ago around Christmas time:
{unflattering pregnant photo of me with my sweet little friend}
Their family room is just off of their kitchen and is a beautifully sunlit, large, happy-feeling space. My clients wanted a room that felt both relaxed & elegant. They needed the kids to be able to flop on the sofa and play, read or watch TV in the room, but they also wanted it to feel like an adult space too, where they could entertain and relax. My client's style is warm and classic, she loves blues and soft colors, and wanted to get away from the reds and golds she'd had previously. When I presented my client with the design, I realized how receptive she was. (I'm not positive, but I don't think we changed even a single element besides a discontinued lamp pair!) Here's how the finished family room looks:
We replaced the wall-to-wall carpet with hardwood to match the rest of the home and added built-ins around the fireplace. (Work by CarrMichael Construction) The TV is mounted in a large cubby. My clients have a formal living room and since one of the main functions in the family room is TV-watching, we decided to keep it exposed. We had a seagrass rug custom cut to fit the room and layered it with a striped wool dhurrie. We had the built-ins lined in a blue grass cloth which really warmed up the room and is probably one of my favorite elements:
Like usual, we used a mix of metals to keep the family room feeling more collected and casual vs. perfectly matched.
Here's a close-up of the built-ins:
Below is the view of the family room into the kitchen:
We couldn't resist taking one of the photos with my client and one of her (completely adorable!!) daughters in the background. They'd gone into the kitchen for a cup of milk and it was too perfect. As you've probably noticed, one of the biggest changes was replacing the ceiling fan with an oversized lantern over the coffee table. When large pieces like a massive lantern go in, it can often be a bit of a shock to clients but they took it in stride.
Believe it or not, one of the most "off" elements in the room's plan - which you'd never know now- is one of the pillows on the sofa. It's a blockprint by Michael Smith with mustard-colored flowers. When you look at the fabric palette, it stands out as very "dirty" and orangey-yellow compared to everything else, but I felt we needed it to relax things a little and wander a bit off the palette. My client of course was surprised by it's left-fieldedness but I asked her to "trust me" on this one, and I'm so glad she did because it's one of her favorite fabrics in the room.
Here's a view of the prints we hung, which feature oak leaves and are special to my clients because our area is filled with oak trees. The massive chair-and-a-half is one of the only good-looking chair-and-a-halves I've ever found because it looks a bit more like a settee and has slim elegant English arms. My client absolutely loves it. She's commandeered the chair-and-a-half while the kids wrestle for the pair of ikat chairs in front of the windows. (above)
I hope you enjoyed getting a peek into my clients' home and I'm so thankful to them for allowing me to help them. Here's one last pic:
(Little House on the Prairie is playing on the TV, I've always wanted to have a picture taken of a project room with the TV on. ;) ;)

*The professional photos in this post were by Helen Norman and the others/ close-ups were taken by me on my iphone. (I'm mentioning this because I want you to know Helen took the perfect pictures and I took the bad ones. hahah)
If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
Some things I found interesting on Pinterest this week:
A large print on West Elm's Chair.
A fabulous necklace.
And of course Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Chocolate chip cookies. CORRECTION!!!! This picture is actually from Ambitious Kitchen and is for Nutella-Stuffed Brown Butter + Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookies. Oh they look so good.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Visit Me Over at La Dolce Vita & The Roses
Today I'm over at La Dolce Vita blogging about my favorite room in our old home (none are finished here yet!!) and if you have the chance, I'd love it if you visited!! Paloma was one of my fist "blog" friends and she's just as kind & gorgeous in person as she is on her blog. Click here to read about my favorite room: La Dolce Vita
Also- we've finished with our crazy 2 days of photo shoots and it's time to exhale... until three weeks from now when we have more. For right now, though, I'm getting back to a "normal" pace of life/ work and am trying to kick it back into gear. (I.e. I'm fried!!! ;) ;) I thought you'd enjoy this picture I snapped on my phone of my nightstand right now though...
...These beauties smell like pure Heaven and do remind me to slow down because there's no way to walk by them without smelling them. Enjoy your day!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
Also- we've finished with our crazy 2 days of photo shoots and it's time to exhale... until three weeks from now when we have more. For right now, though, I'm getting back to a "normal" pace of life/ work and am trying to kick it back into gear. (I.e. I'm fried!!! ;) ;) I thought you'd enjoy this picture I snapped on my phone of my nightstand right now though...
...These beauties smell like pure Heaven and do remind me to slow down because there's no way to walk by them without smelling them. Enjoy your day!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
The Soundtrack of Our Lives
Do you have songs you find pop in your head just about every day? Part of your routine if you will? I have a few. For some reason almost every morning I find myself singing Five O' Clock 500 by Alabama to Henry as we are getting ready in the morning. Ironic since a.) it is morning and b.) a race car fan I don't happen to be. Somehow though it always seems to be the perfect song for the moment.
It's that five o'clock 500 and I run it every day
Pick-up trucks, cars and buses all in my way
We've got Darrel, we've got Dale, Richard, Mark, Rusty and Jeff
Oh the boss just dropped the green we're on our way
It's that five o'clock 500 every day
Pick-up trucks, cars and buses all in my way
We've got Darrel, we've got Dale, Richard, Mark, Rusty and Jeff
Oh the boss just dropped the green we're on our way
It's that five o'clock 500 every day
During the work day for some unknown reason I find the lyric "Everyday I'm Hustlin'" pop in my head (well this and "she works hard for the money"). Given this little tidbit and my LOVE for random coffee mugs you can imagine my delight to stumble across these while on a Google search...
Oh so cute mug from Ashley Brooke Designs, home of SO many items I need want.
A simpler version from Kngo.
And this one from Cafe Press makes me laugh, not sure why, but I like. Which one to add to my collection?
Photo shoot: A special project & the Truth Behind Photoshoots
One of my favorite aspects of decorating houses is photographing them. Something about taking photos makes the project feel fully realized. Bringing flowers in and primping a house for photos so that it looks its best = so much fun... and a TON of work.
During photo shoots, things often get rearranged and I often bring in flowers, plants, furnishings and props. It's a bit like an install day except the client is the camera and anyone who will see the photos (like you all and any potential clients! ;) I have some clients' whose homes I fully accessorize and style on installation day so on photoshoot days, we come in a pretty much just shoot (with flowers) and I have other homes where we're really making some changes. (When Better Homes & Gardens photographed my house, they hid light fixtures, took out rugs, brought in rugs, lots of accessories and even furniture!! I remember being shocked but I've adopted a similar method in certain projects of mine so that I can show my work in its best light. I realized that magazines have a "look" that they can bring to any home they photograph, just as I have "look" that I can bring to any home I have photographed and that if I want to bring in the type of clients who love my style, I need to show my style.)
I think this comes in part from seeing photographs of my finished work and trusting that they'll love what I can do for them. I have clients who have me fully accessorize their homes by playing with all of their existing accessories & artwork and adding in some new ones, and I have clients who - once the furnishings are in place- take their time and accessorize over time. Both methods can yield beautiful results and I'll often help clients with "tweaking" to get it all right.
The project we shot yesterday (and that I'm going to in less than an hour!!) is a really special one to me. I've been working with my client for over three years now and I love her & her family. She has been with me during my major learning curve years (haha maybe they all have!! ;) ;) and is still here now!! She's influenced the way I run my business and we've learned a lot together. She has amazing taste, is super-involved in the design process and has a true passion for design and homes.
{the bedroom ottoman}
I can't even really describe how good it felt yesterday to take photos of this project that I've eat, slept and breathed for so long. I am so incredibly thankful to my client who's taught me so much and who has trusted me over the years to help her create something so pretty. (And honestly, it would have been beautiful with or without me, so I'm thankful I got to come along.) Working with my client on her home for so long was really one of the most influential projects I've taken on, and my client's always going to be in my heart.
wow.. Did you know you could get so emotional about a decorating project??! hahah My husband will make fun of me later. ;)
I'm off for another day of shooting, so fingers crossed the clouds go away sometime!!

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
{Living Room Pic}
During photo shoots, things often get rearranged and I often bring in flowers, plants, furnishings and props. It's a bit like an install day except the client is the camera and anyone who will see the photos (like you all and any potential clients! ;) I have some clients' whose homes I fully accessorize and style on installation day so on photoshoot days, we come in a pretty much just shoot (with flowers) and I have other homes where we're really making some changes. (When Better Homes & Gardens photographed my house, they hid light fixtures, took out rugs, brought in rugs, lots of accessories and even furniture!! I remember being shocked but I've adopted a similar method in certain projects of mine so that I can show my work in its best light. I realized that magazines have a "look" that they can bring to any home they photograph, just as I have "look" that I can bring to any home I have photographed and that if I want to bring in the type of clients who love my style, I need to show my style.)
{The foyer chandy!!}
Having photos of your work taken is a big investment and so I make sure when I do it that I am photographing my clients' homes as I envision them. My job is about about designing homes for my clients to love, not about designing homes that embody my personal style. So... often when I photograph projects, I'll put a little bit more "me" in the styling of the rooms so that potential clients can really a feel for how I design rooms when I am the final decision maker.
I would say my clients' styles are -for the most part- very different, but their projects all have a similar look that comes from me. As I've been in business longer, I have more and more clients coming to me for my "look."
{Taking pics!!}
I think this comes in part from seeing photographs of my finished work and trusting that they'll love what I can do for them. I have clients who have me fully accessorize their homes by playing with all of their existing accessories & artwork and adding in some new ones, and I have clients who - once the furnishings are in place- take their time and accessorize over time. Both methods can yield beautiful results and I'll often help clients with "tweaking" to get it all right.
{living room cocktail tables}
The project we shot yesterday (and that I'm going to in less than an hour!!) is a really special one to me. I've been working with my client for over three years now and I love her & her family. She has been with me during my major learning curve years (haha maybe they all have!! ;) ;) and is still here now!! She's influenced the way I run my business and we've learned a lot together. She has amazing taste, is super-involved in the design process and has a true passion for design and homes.

If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
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